Yesterday's Gone |
Country |
Album |
No |
Format |
Australia | The Versatile | DL 31712 | LP |
Australia | The Versatile | R66-481 | LP |
Australia | The Versatile | COP/S 2633 | LP |
Canada | The Versatile | DL 74611 | LP |
Germany | Rockin' & Romancin' | CD | |
Italy | The Versatile | LP | |
Japan | DS 409 | 45 | |
Japan | SDW 10081 | EP | |
Japan | The Versatile | SDL 10203 | LP |
Malaysia | ED 1004 | EP | |
Mexico | The Versatile | DL 74661 | LP |
N/Zealand | The Versatile | DL 31.712 | LP |
Paraguay | The Versatile/Bye Bye Blues | BV 3005 | CD |
Philippines | DC 4561 | 45 | |
S/Africa | The Versatile | LAT 8614 | LP |
UK | The Versatile | STA/LAT 8614 | LP |
USA | The Versatile | DL 74611 | LP |
Venezuela | The Versatile | DL 4611 | LP |